Thursday, February 22, 2007

Behind the Military Budget 2

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Behind the Military Budget

Singapore's defence budget for 2007 has increased from $10 billion in 2006 to $10.6 billion in 2007. To make up for the extra costs, an increment in tax has been levied on the citizens of Singapore with effect 1st July.

Several of Singapore's brains have been wondering why the defense spending has risen and risen time and time again. One of Singapore's top thinkers, Mr. You Zhu Yi, has speculated that the real reason behind the rising defense budget is Singapore's black plan to unify ASEAN under the Singaporean flag. Said Mr. You: 'we have observed Singapore purchasing large amounts of weaponry, like the new F-15SG Strike Eagle and the new Leopard 2 tanks from Germany, complete with armament. Based on that, and based on Singapore's recent disputes with Thailand and Indonesia, we postulate what the Gahmen has become disillusioned of its neighbours.'

Singkie Conspiracies approached the SAF but were declined comment on the grounds of 'national security.' However, a spokesman, LTC Wu Ming Shi, noted that 'SAF is full of men. Men is like toys one.'

Will we see ASEAN unified? The War of Sand and the War of Shin Corp are still two red-hot intraregional issues.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Intruders Arrested and Detained by SBF
by Talkcock news Agency

After the surprising revelation by the States Times that Zheng Hu has sent teams of commandoes into cyberspace to "fix" the anti zheng hu views online, the War on Bloggers has escalated. Just a few hours ago, sources from Sammyboy Forum announced that they have detained several suspected infiltrators under the Sammyboy Forum Democratic Security Act. This Act was enacted to prevent outsiders from destroying one of the few remnants of "pure democracy" online.

The spokeman for sammyboy, who has declined to give his name in fear of reprisals at his housing estate (Eg, no water supply, electricity cut, lift breakdown or next election end up in potong pasir or hougang constieuncy), told TNA that by sifting through SBF forumers posts, they have identified several people who could be members of the Zheng Hu Cyberspace Commando Squad. Forumers such as Goh Bock Seng have been arrested and are being detained in one of the off shore islands to the north of singapore.

"It is in the name of Democratic Security that we have detained several members of the papist conspiracy!" says the Spokesman. When asked whether they would be interrogated, the Spokesman said it will be in line with international standards of interrogation, which leaves TNA baffled since no one knows what international standards are. When quizzed further, the spokesman reluctantly acknowledged that interrogation would involved dunking in water, blowing with air con, watching Singapore Rebel by MArtyn See, watching speeches of Low Thia Kiang and Chiam See Tong, and watching the victory parade at Hougang and Potong Pasir.

Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports suggest that in line with Remaking party and remaking singapore, these counterinsurgents will be getting a new name soon. Though Deep Throat is reluctant to say anything, other sources indicate that the name of the Commando squad will be changed to Team Elite, in line with the Party Line.